Unnatural Helpers - Four Wolfs LP - RR011

Recorded in our practice space with Kurt Bloch in 2013 on a Tascam 388 home recording 8-track gifted by Kelley Stoltz (thanks again Kel!) by the same group (Andrew Greager, Johnnie Heinz, Andrew Sullivan, Dean Whitmore) who recorded 2012's "Land Grab".
The record was the first we'd collectively written & felt like a turning point to me. I wanted Johnnie to incorporate his uke jams, Andrew G to incorporate his love of C&W fireside song. Andrew S wanted to write really embarrassingly sweet pop songs. I'd written a couple Jesus songs though I'm not religious! Fuck yeah. All of it! But at that point we'd been at it a bit & in the end we couldn't survive to see this metamorphisis or even the release of 4 Wolfs. Out with a wimper. Something about practice schedules & space rent and.. splat. That bugged us all. We were proud of the record. We were also proud of the cover painted by Max Nordile, retrieved from above Max's marinara splattered stove & walls of his shared (by many) Oakland house. It all felt like... us!
There were two attempts to release the record by labels that collectively yielded a test press. The last effort agitated us into examining our strangely still existent band fund & seeing the remainder not too overwhelming, I decided to release it on Reefers Records, a label run by my partner Gabi Page-Fort and I.
And now what happens? Well nothing! It's done. Fucking 4 Wolfs. We liked it and we wanted copies to exist! We hope our friends & another 250 people get a copy & like it too. Mayhaps you will. If not pass it along to someone who might!
Dean & the Unnatural Helper Bewgie Wewgie Rock Band Oufit
Released November 24, 2019 on Reefers Records
Side A:
Heavy Sugar
Museum of Kenneth
Civil Man
Black Marks
Blunt Daggers
Side B:
Code of Silence
Lie To Me
The Seed
You're Thinking Wrong
Liberator Dominator
Unnatural Helpers are
Dean Whitmore (drums, vox)
Andrew Greager (guitar, vox)
Johnnie Heinz (guitar, vox)
Andrew Sullivan (bass, vox)
Recorded, mixed & mastered by Kurt Bloch
Reefers Records, Seattle, WA.
Copyright 2019